Press Release: Buffalo Water Beer on the Road to Vermont

Buffalo Water Beer on the Road to Vermont

MILWAUKEE, WI, September 17, 2010. . . The first semi-load of cases and kegs of Buffalo Water Beer Company’s Bison Blonde all-malt lager leaves today for the green mountains of Vermont, to quench the thirst of some of America’s most serious craft beer drinkers.

“The citizens of Vermont know good beer,” said Craig Peterson, founder and CEO of Milwaukee’s Buffalo Water Beer Company. “Per capita, Vermont has more craft breweries than any other state in the nation, and the customers are appreciative of a good product. That’s why we chose Vermont as the first market outside of Wisconsin to introduce our beer.”

Buffalo Water Bison Blonde has been rated the best American style pale lager in the world, and for the last two years has won the silver medal at the Kohler International Beer Festival in Kohler, Wisconsin.

“Ratings and awards are nice,” said Peterson, “but what really puts a smile on my face is the reaction of the beer drinker who tries Bison Blonde for the first time and says it’s their favorite beer. I love making a product people enjoy and being a part of their life experience. Whether it’s enjoying a cold beer in front of the television, watching football with a plate of hot wings, or sharing a conversation with friends at a local pub. Our beer becomes part of their experience. And that’s my reward.”

Peterson said he admired the fierce independence of the customers he’s met in Vermont and believed that’s why craft beers do so well in the state. “The folks I’ve met don’t seem to follow the traditional pattern of just buying the products they see advertised during half-time. Just like a good Vermont cheese, they know handcrafted products, quality ingredients, passion and hard work make spectacular products. And coming from Wisconsin, I can say Vermont cheese is the only cheese we respect.”

Buffalo Water Beer Company was formed in 2007, when Peterson moved his offices to the intersection of Buffalo and Water Street in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward. There the idea for Buffalo Water Beer originated. That summer Peterson designed a beer to compliment Buffalo wings and spicy foods, and Bison Blonde has been a Wisconsin a local favorite ever since. “It was a tough job sampling different beers to come up with just the right recipe to complement a plate of nuclear wings. But someone had to take the bullet for the beer drinkers of America, and I guess that was me.”

Buffalo Water has retained Capital Candy of Barre, Vermont as the company’s wholesaler for the state. “The moment we met the owners and sales staff of Capital Candy we knew they were our team,” said Peterson. “ They are solid, hard working, dependable and honest. We are honored to have them represent us and our products.”

Peterson said he plans on spending a lot of time in Vermont. “I’ve earned a reputation in Wisconsin as the hardest working man in the beer industry. I want to earn the respect and business from the people of Vermont and will work hard to prove it to them. And I can’t wait to meet those two famous ice cream makers from Vermont. I think I have a great concept for a new favor.”


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